Every business has an endless amount of tasks that need to be done regularly. These tasks can come from onsite, offsite, irregular, and regular tasks for carwashes. Keeping a task list up to date is hard work, but it can be easier for regular onsite tasks. Checklists are great for forming a task list that includes regular tasks that need to be completed daily, weekly, or monthly. One of the best things you can do for your carwash is to ensure that the employees have checklists electronically or on paper. Checklists can come in many different forms, but here is a shortlist of our suggestions for what you use checklists for at the carwash.
There are many benefits to management and ownership when checklists are appropriately developed, implemented, and employees are held accountable for using them. Below is a list of benefits to the carwash through the use of checklists.
If your employees are not used to using checklists, let them know that they are to help everyone, not just the management team. Everyone benefits from properly utilized checklists at the carwash. Employees, customers, managers, and owners all have something to gain from their proper use. You may have employees ask you, “What is the point of a checklist? I have it all memorized.” While that may be somewhat true for something simple like attendant opening tasks, it is far from the case with subjects such as training or preventative maintenance. Ensure you communicate to the employees that it helps them not have to memorize everything that needs to be done.
Our suggestion is to put together lists of everything that needs to be done regularly for the areas discussed above. Then, once you have that list, turn it into a checklist format on paper or in an electronic format.
Schedule a free consultation with David today to learn more about how CarwashOS can help you succeed with carwash training, best practices, or management systems.